
Chiropractic Care is a form of manual care that focuses on diagnosing and treating the Musculoskeletal system, which in turn affects the Nervous system. The Nervous system controls all body systems, including the heart, digestive tract, and immune system. Misalignments in the spine and other joints can alter nerve function, affecting many other functions in the body.
How it helps
Chiropractic Care helps align the spine, restore optimal function in the Nervous system, and support the body’s natural ability to heal. At Body Restoration, powered by Bloch Wellness we have a full-body approach to addressing compensatory patterns, misalignments, and tissue restrictions.
If you are looking for something beyond a traditional chiropractic adjustment, we offer a variety of treatment modalities to address health and well-being. Treatment can include gentle chiropractic techniques, soft tissue techniques, nerve tracing, fascial release, and other therapeutic modalities that get to the root of the problem and/or help promote faster healing and recovery.
Who it helps
Chiropractic Care can provide relief, improvement, and healing from the following conditions:
Low Back Pain
Neck Pain
Improves performance
Sprains and Strains
Systemic Disease
And many other conditions
Our Board-Certified Chiropractors at Bloch Wellness incorporate a number of different special techniques to offer the best care for each individual. Our techniques include:
Arthrostim- Bloch Wellness works diligently to stay on top of the latest technology regarding the field of chiropractic medicine. We utilize a number of sophisticated and cutting edge tools that can be used to make our chiropractic adjustments more comfortable for our patients, while at the same time making them more effective. We offer the best and most thorough chiropractic treatment in Southern California.
One tool that we frequently utilize here at Bloch is the Arthrostim. The Arthrostim is an innovative adjustment instrument The ArthroStim Instrument is a handheld machine that aids your chiropractor in performing adjustments. This powerful tool delivers 12-14 incremental thrusts per second, making it much stronger and faster than a typical single thrust administered by a chiropractor. By dividing the energy of a single thrust into rapid successive inputs, the ArthroStim Instrument modulates the force your physician applies in treatment, but in a much more comfortable and specific application. This allows an adjustment to occur without twisting the body.
The Arthostim makes chiropractic adjustments gentle and painless for patients who are particularly sensitive to pain or patients who dislike the “popping” sound that is often associated with a spinal adjustment. With a traditional chiropractic adjustment, the chiropractor will use his/her hands to direct quick, firm pressure into your spine to correct subluxations. For children, elderly patients, or patients with painful conditions, this kind of movement can be very painful or uncomfortable. That is where the Arthrostim comes into play. As an instinctual action, your muscles tend to tense up whenever a force is applied to them. This often forces the chiropractor to use even more force to counteract the tension. The Arthrostim uses super-fast “taps” to deliver force before your body can react and tense up. This enables the chiropractor to use much less force when applying pressure to your joints and muscles. The Arthrostim also improves accuracy and precision when a chiropractor is making an adjustment, and can be used when a patient is sitting or standing upright.
The ArthroStim Instrument allows your doctor to maintain the effectiveness of your treatment while greatly reducing the amount of force that is applied, which makes it easier to use on a wide variety of conditions and ailments. Individuals that may especially benefit from the use of the ArthroStim Instrument include:
Infants and young children
Individuals with acute or extreme pain
Particularly sensitive individuals
Individuals who dislike being “cracked”
Individuals who suffer from neck pain
Individuals who require adjustments to the extremities
Elderly individuals
Even people who are larger and stronger and therefore more difficult to adjust from a standard single thrust will benefit from the ‘neurological assist’ that the ArthroStim Instrument provides.
Clinical Neurology: The nervous system is a highly integrated network that can be influenced by the environment that a person interacts with. Through the study and principles of clinical neurology, this environment can be manipulated to create changes and balance in a person’s nervous system making changes in the perception of pain or overall performance through neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury. Evidence-based principles involving clinical neurology are adapted in the treatment for corrective exercise/rehabilitation or performance enhancement.At Bloch Wellness, aspects of clinical neurology can be used to help anybody. It can be used in chronic pain (neck pain, back pain, pain in extremities, etc.), movement rehab, relearning motor patterns, concussion rehab, vertigo, autonomic dysfunction, and much more. A comprehensive neuro exam can reveal any deficits or dysfunction. Then a specific rehab protocol is developed to boost these areas. Just like you can utilize physical therapy after surgery to rehabilitate a knee, or a shoulder, etc., you can do the same with regions or systems in the brain.
Diversified: One of the most commonly used chiropractic techniques worldwide. This technique is practiced to help restore joint mobility, and reduce levels of pain in the spine and extremities.
Logan Basic Drop Table Technique: Logan Basic Technique commonly comprises of treating muscles of the back and pelvis using very light pressures to alleviate tension and improve balance of the spine. To perform the Logan Basic technique, Bloch Wellness applies light pressure on a leverage spot on the sacral bone while the patient is in a face down position on a drop table. Supplementary contacts at different points in the spine or along some particular muscles such as the piriformis can also be used. The chiropractor will then hold this pressure for a few minutes as they use the other hand to rub the back muscles to release tension. This causes the entire spine to move toward balance. The light pressure that is applied allows the muscles to relax. The Logan Basic technique is a very gentle, but extremely effective, chiropractic treatment.The drop table is a specialized table that delivers adjustments assisted by gravity. Sections of the table align with regions of the spine and lift approximately one to two inches up and drop, once the practitioner presses down with a light thrust into the region being adjusted.
Leander Table: Motorized Flexion Distraction means less force is required for spinal corrective procedures. The Leander Table is the first table designed to provide an excellent patient experience and can be adjusted to accommodate the patients needs in lateral flexion of the chunk, flexion extension of the lower extremity along with three different areas of the spine that can provide a drop adjustment.
Activator/Chiropractic Adjusting Tool: The Activator Method chiropractic technique is a type of manual manipulation treatment used by chiropractors to treat various types of back and neck pain, as well as extremity complaints. This treatment method uses the Activator adjusting instrument, which is an alternative to traditional manipulation utilizing a high velocity, low amplitude (HVLA) thrust, such as the Diversified technique. The Activator is a spring-loaded instrument that delivers a quick thrust impulse in the joint being influenced. The thrust stimulates the receptors in the joint leading to similar changes in joint mobility and soft tissue tone.
Y-Strap: The Y-strap is used to assist in axial mobilization of the spine. The strap is place along different segments of the cervical spine, usually the occiput, and tractioned up towards the head by the practitioner.
Webster: Chiropractic care in pregnancy is vital to the normal physiological function of both the mother and baby throughout pregnancy and birth. More women and birth providers are discovering the many benefits associated with chiropractic care in pregnancy and recognize this area of expertise through Webster Certification.
The webster technique is a specific chiropractic sacral analysis and diversified adjustment. The goal of the adjustment is to reduce the effects of sacral joint dysfunction as the womb continues to grow throughout pregnancy. When an adjustment is performed, neuro-biomechanical function in the pelvis is achieved. When the sacrum is restricted it may contribute to difficulties in labor as well as space for the baby to move in the womb. When there is a restriction, it could cause inadequate uterine function, pelvic contraction, and baby malpositioning. Correction of these restrictions along with soft tissue therapy, may have a positive effect on all of these causes of dystocia.
Mulligan Mobilization is a technique designed to reduce pain and improve the patients range of motion. It involves Natural Apophyseal Glides (NAGS), Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides (SNAGS) and Mobilization with Movement (MWM) for the treatment of musculoskeletal injuries.
End-Range Loading (ERL) is essentially taking tissue (nerves, tendons, discs, connective tissue) into a position of tension and then applying an overpressure to stretch and/ or glide the affected tissue to assist with improved function and reduced pain.
Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT) was developed by Major Bertrand DeJarnette, DO, DC in the late 1920s and has been researched and developed over the ensuing years. SOT is a commonly used chiropractic technique designed to reduce or eliminate pain or disorders in the craniospinal, TMJ,head, neck, back and pelvis, extremities (foot, ankle, knee, and hip as well as hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder) and in specific cases improve organ function.
One of DeJarnette’s great discoveries was a category system that recognizes that human structures have specific patterns of imbalance. By generalizing patients into three categories DeJarnette developed methods of determining three identifiable, yet interrelated, systems of body reaction. Through the use of specific indicators, location and correction of these body patterns a system of before and after treatment tests can be applied to evaluate need for care and whether the care was successful.